For Immediate Release: CHICAGO, IL — VisMed•3D — Today VisMed-3D announced its newest partnership with Galvanize Labs, Inc. Galvanize Labs™ created a technology education platform that supports game-based learning. Taken Charge™ is the first in an educational gaming revolution that brings comprehensive technology education into a game-based learning environment. “The interactive and progressive gaming style of Taken Charge™ has transformed the learning structure by educating and developing good digital citizens from a young age,” said Moira Hardek, President/CEO of Galvanize Labs™. The goal of VisMed-3D‘s partnership with Galvanize Labs™ is to create the first ever 3D Printing, online, accredited game. The 12 level episode game featuring learning and assessment levels will include identification of 3D printer parts, both visual and name identification, as well as identifying the function and locations of the printer parts. The game will also include 3D modeling geometry, reverse engineering and common issues with 3D Printing.
VisMed-3D believes that innovators are at the forefront of understanding the use of not only 3D printing, but the visualization that precedes the 3D printing. Part of the company’s mission is to provide a well-structured education focused on 3D printing and biodesign, in order to fulfill the need of innovators in the 3D printing community. “We are proud to partner with Galvanize Labs™ to help students advance their knowledge and understanding of 3D technology concepts. By teaching the standards, frameworks and skills, early adoption is made easier through access and learning tools. Taken Charge™ is the first step in educating and preparing the future innovators.” said Dima Elissa, MBA, CEO/Founder of VisMed•3D.
To be the first to take advantage of this epic opportunity, contact [email protected], visit vismed3d.com, or call 312.222.9912
VisMed•3D is a global healthcare research and consulting firm utilizing a proven platform for innovative research, 3D visualization and 3D printing technology for state-of-the-art treatment and training. Their mission is to ensure physicians and healthcare specialists have the opportunity to use the most advanced 3D products to improve patient outcomes and reduce health care costs.
Galvanize Labs™ is an edu-tech startup that brings together learning through gaming! The innovation company is founded on the pillars of data, education, user experience and game theory. Taken Charge™ by Galvanize Labs™ is revolutionizing the education structures of students pre K-12 through a 12-level game-based learning and assessment online game.